Interpreting Trends, Exploring Research, and Getting the Latest Data Insights

September 24 - 25 2024  |  Virtual

CPE Credit Policy

NASBA Required Policies CPE Eligibility.

To be Eligible for each CPE relevant session, Participants Must

  • Watch at least 28 minutes of each session to receive certification per/session
  • Register their presence with the attendance check
  • Vote in two polls

NOTE: Attendees can view the agenda if they’d like to see what field of study a session is eligible for and number of CPEs it’s eligible for.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of business services within any industry.

Advanced Preparation: None

Program Level: Intermediate

Delivery Method: Group Live

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Due to this program being offered free of charge, there will be no refund issued

Policy: In accordance with Standard No. 4, course materials will contain the most recent publication, revision, or review date. Courses will be revised as soon as feasible following changes to relative codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, etc. All learning content will be developed by individuals having expertise in the subject matter. Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes will be reviewed by a subject matter expert at least once a year. Other courses will be reviewed every 2 years.

Attendance Monitoring Procedures:

For group live events, instructors will inform class participants that attendance will be monitored per NASBA requirements to ensure the correct number of CPE credits are assigned to each participant. The instructor will require participants to sign in and record the time at the start of the program and when they left each session. IQPC will maintain copies of sign-in sheets for a period not less than five years. For group internet-based webinars, attendance and participation will be monitored electronically via the webinar platform’s built-in reporting tools. The name and email address of each training participant, as well as the time they entered the meeting and the time they left it, will be documented. All records will be maintained for a period not less than five years.

Program Content and Knowledge Level: In accordance with Standard No. 2 and No. 3, IQPC will publish promotional material specific to each program instance, which will clearly articulate the program content and level so that participants can accurately assess whether the program is appropriate for their development needs. Program knowledge levels will consist of: basic, intermediate, advanced, overview and update. All programs identified as intermediate, advanced, or update will clearly identify prerequisite education, experience, and/or advance preparation, if any. Similarly, for courses with the program knowledge of basic and overview, prerequisite education, experience, and/or advanced preparation will also be noted or specifically marked as “none” in course descriptive materials. Promotional material will be distributed to the event coordinator via email prior to the event. For Group Internet Based webinars purchased through an online platform, promotional material is prominently displayed online prior to course registration.

Content and Delivery Systems: All learning programs will be developed by individuals having expertise in the subject matter. Expertise will be demonstrated through practical experience and/or education. In accordance with Standard No. 4, course materials will contain the most recent publication, revision, or review date. Courses will be revised as soon as feasible following changes to relative codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, etc. All learning content will be developed by individuals having expertise in the subject matter. Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes will be reviewed by a subject matter expert at least once a year. Other courses will be reviewed every 2 years.

Content is Developed by a Subject Matter Expert: All learning programs will be developed by individuals having expertise in the subject matter. Expertise will be demonstrated through practical experience and/or education. Programs will be reviewed by qualified persons other than those who developed them. These reviews will occur before the first presentation of these materials and again after each significant revision of the program. The reviewer’s professional biography will be kept on record for a period not less than 5 years.

Content is Based on Relevant Learning Objective: All programs will contain relevant learning objectives and outcomes that clearly articulate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that can be achieved by the participants. These objectives will be clearly articulated in course specific promotional materials distributed prior to each instance of the program, thus allowing participants to accurately assess whether their specific development needs will be met.

Record Retention Policy:

In accordance with Standard No. 24, the following documentation for each Group Live or Internet-based program shall be maintained for a period not less than 5 years:

  • Records of participation
  • Dates and locations of program offerings
  • Author/instructor, author/developer and reviewer names and credentials
  • Number of CPE credits earned by participants
  • Results of program evaluations
  • Program descriptive materials, including course announcement information, program agenda and handouts, and speaker notes if applicable.

Complaint Resolution Policy

Please contact for complaint resolution

Official Registry Statement

IQPC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: